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Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900)

フリードリッヒ・ニーチェ (1844–1900)

德國古典語言學家和哲學家。尼采作品包含對道德、宗教、哲學、科學和藝術形式的尖銳批評。在他看來,當代文化比古典希臘文化對生命的影響更弱。他對真理價值普遍提出質疑,因此成為後現代哲學方法的先驅。尼采的 “超人(superman)"、"權力意志(will to power) "或 “永恆回歸(eternal return) "等概念也引起了至今的解釋和討論。


A German classical philologist and philosopher. Nietzsche's work contains sharp criticisms of morality, religion, philosophy, science, and forms of art. Contemporary culture was, in his eyes, weaker for life than that of ancient Greece. He questioned the value of truth in general and thus became a pioneer of postmodern philosophical approaches. Nietzsche's concepts of the "superman," the "will to power," or the "eternal return" also give rise to interpretations and discussions to this day.


節譯自/Cited from/引用元Page "Friedrich Nietzsche". In: Wikipedia - The free encyclopedia. Edit date: November 9, 2021, 11:44 UTC. URL: (Retrieved: December 2, 2021, 09:41 UTC).




“we have our highest dignity in our significance as works of art – for it is only as an aesthetic phenomenon that existence and the world are eternally justified.” 


—《悲劇的誕生》/ The Birth of Tragedy / 『悲劇の誕生』



「我們應該向藝術家學習。我們如何讓事物看起來美麗、有吸引力和令人嚮往,當事物並非如此時? - 而我想事物本身可能從來就不是如此! 」

”What one should Learn from Artists. What means have we for making things beautiful, attractive, and desirable, when they are not so? - and I suppose they are never so in themselves!“


「芸術家から学ぶべきこと。物事が美しく、魅力的で、好ましいものではないときに、それを作るための手段は何かあるだろうか?-  なぜなら、それ自体は決して美しいものではないと思いますが!」

—《歡愉的智慧》/ The Gay Science / 『悦ばしき知識』

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