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海德格 (1889–1976)
Martin Heidegger (1889–1976)
マーティン・ハイデガー (1889–1976)



A German philosopher. Heidegger stood in the tradition of phenomenology, the philosophy of life, as well as the existential interpretation, which he wanted to overcome in a new ontology. Heidegger's most important goals were the critique of occidental philosophy and the intellectual foundation for a new understanding of the world. A wide reception made Heidegger one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century. 



節譯自/Cited from/引用元Page "Martin Heidegger". In: Wikipedia - The free encyclopedia. Edited on: 31 October 2021, 18:02 UTC. URL: (Retrieved: November 30, 2021, 16:37 UTC).




“Art is the creative preserving of truth in the work. Art (then) is the becoming and happening of truth.” 







”The origin of the work of art—that is, the origin of both the creators and the preservers, which is to say of a people’s historical existence, is art. This is so because art is in its essence an origin: a distinctive way in which truth comes into being, that is, becomes historical.“


「芸術作品の起源は芸術である。 芸術とは本質的に起源であり、真実を生み出す独自の方法であり、創造者と保存者が共有する起源であり、民族の歴史的存在の起源であり、それが歴史となるのです。」

—《藝術作品的本源》/The Origin of the Work of Art/『芸術作品の起源 』

延伸閱讀/ Further Reading/参考文献Thomson, Iain, "Heidegger’s Aesthetics", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2019 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = <>.

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