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Erica Lee

【英國國家美術館紀行 #7】兒童肖像畫(Children's Portraits)

18世紀法國畫家─讓‧巴蒂斯‧葛魯茲(Jean-Baptiste Greuze, 1725-1805)畫作以感性著稱,其《手握蘋果的男孩(A Child with an Apple, late 18th century)》,呈現清新明亮的色彩以及輕鬆活潑的氛圍。畫家曾創作多幅兒童小幅肖像;本幅作品可能是未完成品,另有一幅同樣構圖不同版本作品藏於美國底特律藝術中心(Detroit Institute of Arts)。

Oil on canvas, 40.6 x 32.1 cm
A Child with an Apple, late 18th century, Jean-Baptiste Greuze, National Gallery London

(Left) Detail from A Child with an Apple, late 18th century, Jean-Baptiste Greuze (1725-1805), National Gallery, London


另一位18世紀法國著名肖像畫家伊莉莎白‧路薏‧維潔‧勒布涵(Elisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun, 1755-1842)《布隆亞爾小姐(Mademoiselle Brongniart(1780-1847), 1788)》,描繪法國建築師阿列松赫‧希爾多‧布隆亞爾(Alexandre-Theodore Brongniart, 1739-1813)的8歲女兒─亞莉桑德琳‧艾蜜莉(Alexandrine-Emilie, 1780-1847),正在針織的可愛神情。

Oil on oak, 65.1 x 53.3 cm
Mademoiselle Brongniart, 1788, Elisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun, National Gallery, London

(Left) Detail from Mademoiselle Brongniart, 1788, Elisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun (1755-1842), National Gallery, London


而18世紀法國偉大的「生活場景肖像(portraying the lives)」畫家─夏丹(Jean-Siméon Chardin, 1699-1779)《小小家教(The Young Schoolmistress, 約1735-6)》,描繪2位女孩學習的專注神情,一如畫家一貫賦予簡樸生活場景永恆靜謐之美,本幅作品亦呈現夏丹筆下畫作細膩營造的溫暖玫瑰色調、以及令人愉悅的自然光線等風格特色。

Oil on canvas, 61.6 x 66.7 cm
The Young Schoolmistress, probably 1735-6, Jean-Siméon Chardin, National Gallery, London

(Left) Detail from The Young Schoolmistress, probably 1735-6, Jean-Siméon Chardin (1699-1779), National Gallery, London

# 兒童節快樂 # Happy Children's Day


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